Poppy 6"x6" Beginner Rug Hooking Kit


Poppies are one of my favorite flowers. The first time I saw their silky leaves I could not believe how thin they were and the depth of colour they contained. 

I have poppies in my garden and they usually bloom right around the time of my birthday. I always make sure to go out to the garden to really get a good look at them. They are a constant source of inspiration for me. I also love that they are a symbol of remembrance. 

This package includes:

  • A hand drawn pattern on burlap or linen.
  • All the wool cloth strips and textures you need to complete the kit.
  • A rug hook.
  • A colour key to tell you what colours go where.
  • A colour picture of the completed rug.
  • An illustrated set of instructions + video.
  • By Deanne Fitzpatrick Studio.

Please note: You will require a 10" embroidery hoop to secure your linen as you work. If you do not already have your own, we have several available for sale here.

This kit makes a great wall hanging, table mat, or pillow once it is hooked.

Please note this kit is handmade with hand dyed wool cloth and textures so colours and textures will vary.

Estimated Completion Time: 1-3 Hours